Ben Cruachan
Day Meets
The Grampian Club arranges monthly Day Meets on 10 months of the year, usually on the second or third weekend. Venues are carefully selected to provide walks of varying grades, from easier low level walks to challenging mountain traverses of up to 20 miles often taking in 2 or more Munros on the longer summer meets.
We travel by coach from Dundee, picking up in Perth when heading west. Members are expected to choose walks that are within their own physical capabilities and the Day Meets Team organise groups into parties of broadly similar ability.
There is a fee for the Day Meets coach (currently £15) which needs to be paid in advance at the time of booking, preferably via the online booking website, Entry Central, or by cheque.
Possible Walks for this meet include:
Lochawe, Stob Diamh, Ben Cruachan, Lochawe
Pwr. Station, Ben Cruachan, Stob Diamh, Lochawe
Beinn a Chochuill, Beinn Eunaich, Circuit
Lochawe, Glen Noe, Loch Etive, Taynuilt
“Dalmally Horseshoe” from & to Lochawe
Beinn a`Bhuiridh, Stob Diamh, Cruachan, Lochawe